Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blue angels fly over my house?

haha i love labor day weekend! for one reason only. the blue angels! i live like 10 minutes from an airport and almost every year the blue angels perform at the air show. anyways, they are flying right now and came so close to my house that the change inside my change holder was rattling. i went outside and could see the pilots' helmets. does anyone think that's cool or is it just me?

Blue angels fly over my house?shows

I think it's way cool. Wave at them for me. Rock on

Blue angels fly over my house?comedy show opera theater

you must live in st. Louis, they are there labor day week end this year, they are neat, I worked with them while in the navy. I am supposed to go meet the pilots tomorrow, can't wait, I'm taking my camera.
I grew up "on final" near NAS Moffett Field, California... YES, the Blue Angels ROCKED !!

Back in the 70's when they were still flying the F-4N Phantom, the rules were less strict, and they often were flying BELOW 250 ft two miles before the threshold. My neighbor was a P-3 Pilot and would take us out to the rehearsals each year.

In 1985 I was in Pensacola, Florida for Naval Aircrew Candidate School and Rescue Swimmer School, and they flew over almost every day.

It's the Sound of Freedom !!
its awesome. They came over a couple years back, i could see their yellow helmets, and the fact that they blew out every window withing a 3 mile radius. Its awesome.
It's just you
That is very cool. I think you are very lucky to see this. I live about a 5 minutes walk, or a 2 minutes drive away from an airport too (Scottsdale Airport which is one of the busiest smaller airports in America) and about once every 3-4 months, 2 F-16s fly out and they are really REALLY loud. They are a very cool and exciting sight to see and really inspire me to become an air force pilot every time I see them.

They are so close to my house that you can see the folds, flaps, and missiles perfectly (although I can't see the pilots because they always fly at an angle that shows us the under part of the F-16 and not the top.

They are so loud that you can hear it when it is still at the airport taking off (which kind of sounds like when you blow through a straw) and then all of a sudden you see them above the trees and then this giant blast of sound that drains out every single sound in the area out and stays like that for about 15 seconds. They fly really fast too.

It really is an amazing sight and you are very lucky you get to see them for more than 15 seconds, and they do stunts.
Ya, i saw them from a rooftop in San Francisco a couple years ago and was able to see their helmets too, it was sweet
It's cool to anyone that love's aircraft. I'm a truck driver and more than once when I have delivered a load to Pensacola Florida I would see the Blue's flying out over the bay coming in low over the boat's anchored out, dive at the boat's at a slight angle with smoke on , then pull up hard blanketing the boat's with their smoke, now that's cool.
i think that's really cool! you're lucky!

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